Thursday, 6 November 2014

Bring on Monday.

It's here, it's really here. Monday is the day that I start my new job.

I am sad to be leaving my old job, but equally excited to start something new.

I've had lovely few weeks since the appendix incident (started a staff night out in a bar, ended the staff night out in an operating theater) thanks to my wonderful friends and family and I just wanted to share some pictures.

Here's to the next step!


It happens every year; some of us look forward to it with anticipation, others dread the hype surrounding it.

Of course, I'm talking about the John Lewis Christmas advert.

Yea, I know it's only November, but Halloween is done and dusted, Bonfire Night has just gone, so all that's left to celebrate is good old Christmas.

I love this year's advert; it's now my second favourite of them all (beaten only by 2011's vid). Christmas through a child's eyes makes it that bit more exciting.